
Sabtu, 15 Juni 2013

Unlock Bootloader Xperia Miro

Cara Pertama
1. tekan *#06# (untuk melihat no. IMEI agan)
2. lihat dulu apakah HH agan bisa di unlock atau tidak? dengan menekan *#*#7378423#*#* untuk masuk ke service menu
3. dalam service menu masuk ke Service info > Configuration > Rooting Status jika Bootloader unlock allowed : yes (HH agan bisa di unboot)jika Bootloader unlock allowed : no (HH agan tidak bisa di unboot)
4. masuk ke scroll ke bawah klik > start unlocking the boot loader scroll lagi ke bawah klik > continue lalu klik > yes, i'm sure
5. lalu checklist I acknowledge that use of the boot loader may void the phone’s warranty. dan I acknowledge that, if Sony does perform any warranty repairs, Sony may charge a service fee for additional costs associated with the modified software. lalu klik > I accept
6. masukan Nama,IMEI or MEID (step 1), email klik > sumbit
7. check email yg di (step 6) di masukin nanti dapet code (simpen codenya)
8. download fastboot package with usb drivers
9. extract fastboot package with usb drivers
10. connect HH agan ke komputer denga fastboot mode (connect USB + tekan vol+)
11. masuk ke device manager (control panel > device manager) cari driver s1boot klik kanan > update driver software > browse my computer for driver software
12. lalu cari folder usb_driver di tempat extract file tadi (step 9) > lalu install driver nya
13. masuk ke folder fastboot package with usb drivers > fastboot
14. tekan shift + klik kanan > open command windows here
15. lalu ketik fastboot.exe -i 0x0fce getvar version di cmd > enter
16. lalu ketik fastboot.exe -i 0x0fce oem unlock 0xKEY di cmd > enter ( KEY = yg di dapat dari email (step7))
17. finish

Cara Kedua
1. tekan *#06# (untuk melihat no. IMEI agan)
2. lihat dulu apakah HH agan bisa di unlock atau tidak? dengan menekan*#*#7378423#*#* untuk masuk ke service menu
3. dalam service menu masuk ke Service info > Configuration > Rooting Status jikaBootloader unlock allowed : yes (HH agan bisa di unboot)jika Bootloader unlock allowed : no (HH agan tidak bisa di unboot)
4. masuk ke scroll ke bawah klik > start unlocking the boot loader scroll lagi ke bawah klik > continue lalu klik > yes, i'm sure
5. lalu checklist I acknowledge that use of the boot loader may void the phone’s warranty. dan I acknowledge that, if Sony does perform any warranty repairs, Sony may charge a service fee for additional costs associated with the modified software. lalu klik > I accept
6. masukan Nama,IMEI or MEID (step 1), email klik > sumbit
7. check email yg di (step 6) di masukin nanti dapet code (simpen codenya)
8. Download Aplikasinya ::
9. Instal dulu Flashtool-drivers yang di dalam folder tersebut, centang yang Flash Mode Driver sama FastBoot Driver
10. Isi Unlock Code yang di Dalam di dapat dari Email yang di kirim Sony
11. Select Type of Flashnya Pilih aja Fastboot Mode
12. Centang Wipe Data / Cache
13. Matikan HH trus Ke mode Fast Boot
14. Colok kan ke PC trus klick Unlock BL
15. Selesai
DWYOR (Do With Your Own Risk)

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